Leading Your Team - Online
Management Development, Team
Will benefit managers with responsibility for leading a team.
2.5 + 2 hours over 1 day (you must attend all sessions)
Delegate rate
Approximately £100 per day per delegate. Charges depend on how many delegates book.
- To determine the key characteristics of an effective team
- To explore the barriers to team working
- To analyse individual leadership styles
- To understand the strengths and potential pitfalls of each style
- To develop skills in resolving conflict
- To identify the keys to developing competence and commitment in team members
- To encourage a feedback culture
Understanding Teams:
- Why have a team?
- Effective teams
- Six keys to effectiveness
- Team life cycle
Leadership Style:
- The Strength Deployment Inventory
- Understanding our leadership style
- Strengths and overdone strengths
- Appreciating differences
- Motivating team members
- Working together
Handling Team Conflict:
- Understanding conflict styles
- Benefits of conflict
- Constructive conflict
Growing the Team:
- Empowering & gaining commitment
- Analysing performance gaps
- Enabling team members to take responsibility
- Using the appropriate leadership style
- Allocation, delegation and abdication!
- Monitoring effectiveness
Moving forward:
- Action planning
No dates are currently scheduled for this course.