Surrey Learn

Project Management - Online


Work Processes


The training is introductory level and suitable for all those who need to manage projects in their role, and all those who have an interest in project management.


4 x 2 hours over 2 weeks (you must attend all sessions)

Delegate rate

Approximately £100 per delegate. Charges depend on how many delegates book.

This programme of 4 x two-hour bite-sized online training sessions introduces delegates to the core skills, tools and techniques they will require to confidently manage projects.

Delegates will need to attend all 4 sessions. Course reference materials are provided for all attendees.

Session 1: Defining the Change

  • The dynamics of Change
  • Identifying why change occurs
  • The importance of Business Cases and their development
  • Ownership of Benefits, Disbenefits and the purpose of a Business Case
  • Stakeholders and Mapping Change

Session 2: Key Roles and Governance

  • The main active roles in projects and their responsibilities
  • Management of stakeholder expectation including MoSCoW
  • Recognised soft skills and their development
  • Behaviours and Principles
  • The importance of agreed communication approaches from Highlight Reports to Daily Stand-ups
  • The different Bias we hold and how have can affect our decision making

Session 3: Planning

  • Providing the Objectives and Scope
  • Approaches to scoping: Brainstorming, lists, lessons learned, Breakdown Structures
  • Why different stakeholders, teams or individuals are central to understanding scope
  • Visibility of information and Rich Communication
  • Gantts, Timeboxes and Stages
  • What is a Network and why we all use them!
  • Shaping the scope into a logical flow

Session 4: Risk, Issue and Lessons Tracking

  • Definition and difference between Risks and Issues
  • The basic process of Identification, Analysis and Control
  • Psychology and Stakeholders
  • Continued Lessons Learned using Stages and Catch-ups
  • Importance of capturing the Good, Bad and Missing or Glad, Sad, Bad.
  • Action Planning


No dates are currently scheduled for this course.

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