Surrey Learn

Neurodiversity in the Workplace - Online


Management Development


E, D & I Awareness


This training course is suitable for those working in HR, managers, supervisors and team leaders, helping you be more equipped to work successfully with those with neurodivergent conditions. 


2 hours

Delegate rate

Approximately £100 per day per delegate. Charges depend on how many delegates book.

Making adjustments for neurodiversity without understanding can lead to making dangerous assumptions and generalisations. We cannot step into the shoes of every individual within our organisation without that key understanding. Additionally, those of us with decision-making responsibility are often put into the position of making those decisions on behalf of a team or a person.

How can we ensure that we understand those we might consider to be different to ourselves without causing offence, making assumptions and casting generalisations? 

You may also be interested in 'Using Inclusive Language' Using Inclusive Language – Online - Surrey Learn

The two-hour online ‘Neurodiversity in the Workplace’ course covers the following: 

  • What is meant by the term ‘neurodiversity’ 
  • Accepting that people’s brains work differently – and how that is beneficial to the workplace and society
  • Neurodiversity can be a disability – but people might not want the label
  • Neurodivergent conditions (a brief introduction to what they are and what the impact can be
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
    • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD and ADHD) 
    • Dyslexia
    • Dyspraxia
    • Dyscalculia
    • Meares Irlen Syndrome
    • Tourette’s 
  • Executive functions skills – how these differ in neurodivergent people who a manager might be responsible for
  • Making adjustments in the workplace – person, environment, work provided etc.


6 August 2024 at 10:00

Delivered online. You must attend all the sessions.

Please note you will be expected to use your camera and display your name on all training. If unable to comply, please ensure the trainer understands why and notes your name and authority for recording attendance.

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19 September 2024 at 10:00

Delivered online. You must attend all the sessions.

Online sessions include usual breaks. Link(s) are auto-sent from [email protected] a few days in advance of delivery. Full instructions and course handouts will also be sent in advance.

Please note you will be expected to use your camera and display your name on all training. If unable to comply, please ensure the trainer understands why and notes your name and authority for recording attendance.

7 spaces remaining

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